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Procedure of making Japanese sword

更新日:2020年12月16日更新 印刷ページ表示

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 1

The lump of Tamahagane is heated, and hammered into flat sheets.

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 2

Small pieces was divided hard and pure steel and soft steel.

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 3

Piled it together on the base made from homogeneous steel.

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 4

The charcoal is heated until about 1300 degrees Celsius, and it was shut together.

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 5

Be made a cut in and fold back repeatedly. (Orikaesikitae)

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 6

Cut in rectangles and pile the steel exactly on the fulcrum.(hyoushikizukuri)

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 7

Forge the piled steel as hyoushikizukuri.(shiagekitae)

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 8

The soft steel, Shingane, which become a center core, is wrapped by hard steel, Kawagane. Put it in fire and lengthen it

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 9

Arrange the shape of the steel lengthened enough and then make it exact shape of Japanese sword by small hammer. While this process, Kissaki is hammered out.

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 10

Arrange the shape of the forged steel by tool like a plane, Sen, and file.

image:The procedure of making Japanese sword 11

Heat the sword body, and then quench it in the water tank.
In the water, the sword body begins to warp to make Sori automatically. (Yakiire)

After check the Sori, and rough polishing, the Swordsmith entrusts it to the polisher.

Pamphlet(Artisanship in Japanese Sword Making)(PDF:7.3MB)

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